A multiple-drilling method for syringomas is not resurfacing or cutting but just making multiple holes in each lesion by CO2 laser. This relatively easy, safe, and less painful method will obtain good cosmetic results with few complications if used repeatedly.

The Pixel CO2 laser is an ablative fractional laser skin resurfacing treatment is a more aggressive form of laser resurfacing. Ablative lasers use intense heat to vaporize skin cells (non ablative lasers do not vaporize skin cells). Fractional lasers target specific treatment areas.
Pixel CO2 treatments vaporize damaged or hyperpigmented skin cells, stimulate new collagen production, and tighten and tone underlying skin. Pixel CO2 claims to have the more aggressive treatment benefits of a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser with less recovery than the average Carbon dioxide-based laser treatment.

What cosmetic concerns does a Pixel CO2 procedure treat?

Pixel CO2, an ablative fractional laser skin resurfacing procedure, vaporizes targeted layers of skin cells, stimulates new collagen production, and encourages skin cell growth.

Who is the ideal candidate for a Pixel CO2 procedure?

The ideal candidate for a Pixel CO2 procedure has mild to moderate acne scarring, facial scars, uneven pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, and/or other skin blemishes. Pixel CO2 is not recommended for those with darker skin tones or certain skin types due to the increased risk of hypopigmentation.

What is the average recovery associated with a Pixel CO2 procedure?

Most patients experience about one week of downtime following a Pixel CO2 procedure. Red, raw skin, swelling, and itchiness are common after laser resurfacing treatments. During the healing process, patients can expect skin redness or pinkness to persist for several days. Thick ointments, good skin care, and limited sun exposure can reduce recovery time.

What are the potential side effects of a Pixel CO2 procedure?

Potential side effects following Pixel CO2 include burns or skin damage, scar formation, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, reactivation of cold sores, bacterial skin infections, and milia (white bumps).

What can someone expect from the results of a Pixel CO2 procedure?

The results of a Pixel CO2 procedure will not be immediately visible following the treatment, but will evolve over a few weeks as skin heals. A few sessions may be required to achieve desired results. Patients should reduce excessive sun exposure and wear sunscreen during recovery to mitigate the risk of irregular patchy skin pigmentation. Age related changes and sun damage will become evident as patients continue to age.

CO2 Pixel

Case ID: 2612

CO2 Pixel

Case ID: 2522

CO2 Pixel & Filler

Case ID: 2234