Dermatology Institute is home to world renowned dermatologists Dr. Peter Rullan and daughter Dr.Jennifer Rullan. Dr. Peter Rullan has been training other dermatologists in advanced cosmetic procedures for over 30 years. He has performed over 10,000 chemical peels his first years in practice and now after 40 years in practice has developed the most safe, advanced and effective treatments for healthy looking skin and for acne scarring. He has published hundreds of research and discovered new cosmetic techniques and procedures to better treat acne scars. Patients fly into San Diego to see Dr. Peter Rullan from around the world after learning about his techniques from the internet without any marketing.

His daughter Dr Jennifer Rullan has been in private practice since 2013 and has been mentored in these advanced technique since her residency in dermatology. She later became a mentored for leadership by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgeons and she created a national training videos for dermatologists learning advanced chemical peels. She has taught numerous live chemical peel courses for advanced cosmetic dermatologic surgeons, and teaches courses at national and international conferences. She has injected thousands of syringes of fillers, neurotoxins, and has over 14 years of laser experience. She is well known for natural lips and peeling off the most difficult wrinkles. Her cosmetic eye, kind bedside manner, natural results and safety protocols make her a highly sought after cosmetic dermatologist.

Dr. McKesey is a cosmetic and medical dermatologist with a particular focus on treatment of brown spots, melasma, and using lasers to treat birthmarks at all ages. Patient’s love her lip filler technique to give glowing juicy lips or lips which look natural and rehydrated. She has trained across the world with dermatology leaders in Texas, Singapore, Washington, DC, Maui, San Diego and Los Angeles. She uses finesse to perform fillers and biostimulatory procedures to enhance beauty while still looking natural.

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